Eight Fun Chanukah Activities for Kids – One For Each Night!
Now that Chanukah is upon us, families might be struggling to come up with some fresh ideas to keep each night exciting. Here, Laura Puzio, an early childhood Jewish educator, gives us some activities for each night! Be sure to check out our Vitamin J class beginning this Fall taught by Laura. For more information contact info@shinenyc.net.
May your Chanukah candles shine bright!
Aaron Goldschmidt, founder & director
Chanukah is such a special time of year for families to come together and celebrate! It is not just about celebrating the miracle of the oil lasting for eight nights, but also about a great victory of the Jewish people, persevering and surviving against all odds. We light the Chanukiah, or Menorah (8 branched candelabra), each night of Chanukah to help us remember the incredible faith and strength of the Jewish people. There are so many fun things to do during Chanukah in New York and many learning opportunities for your children as well!
- Go to a Judaica store and explore all different types of “Chanukiot”, or Menorahs. The “Shamash”, or helper candle, is sometimes in the middle, and sometimes on the end of the Menorah. See how many different types you can count with your child! (In Manhattan: West Side Judaica, 2412 Broadway, or J. Levine Co., 5 W30th St, In Brooklyn: Eichlers, 1401 Coney Island Ave- N.B. These stores are closed on Saturdays).
- Learn all about oil! The miracle of Chanukah was that the oil in the holy temple lasted for eight nights; Explore oil with your child! Do a “Science Experiment”: mix oil with water (put a little food coloring into the water to see it better), and ask your child what happens. Let them play with, touch, smell, and even taste olive oil! Read more