Shine’s Top 10 Travel Tips for Families
Spring Break is here and many families are headed on vacation. Traveling with children doesn’t have to be a nightmare and families shouldn’t put it off until “the kids are older.” Seeing the world is some of the best education parents can give their children. With a few simple tricks traveling with children can be both painless and transform the entire experience into enriched family time creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Here are Shine’s top 10 travel tips:
1. Bring open-ended activities to keep your kids busy on the plane. We love simple items like aluminum foil and pipe cleaners to make sculptures, homemade play dough (link to our recipe) and/or a notebook with stickers, colored pencils, markers or crayons for coloring
2. Books, Books, Books. Your children’s favorite books can keep them busy for hours. We love Scholastic Book Club books because they are paperback and light, easy to travel with and inexpensive in case they get ruined or lost. Before you travel, read some books about where it is your going. For example, Miroslav Slasek’s This Is is a series of beautifully illustrated site-specific books on Paris, London, Rome, and more. Read these at bedtime before your vacation to get the kids excited. When you arrive and begin sightseeing your children will have a frame of reference for what they’re seeing.
3. There is a time and place for videos and games and airplanes are it! Whether or not you approve of TV/media time at home, traveling is the perfect time to loosen up your rules. Videos can keep children engaged for hours and help to keep them calm not just en route but also in hotel rooms. And if you usually don’t allow them to play games, traveling is the perfect time to reconsider…make them a reward for good travel behavior! Read more