Shine’s Favorite Things for the Holidays
Dear Families and Friends,
With the holidays upon us, we know that many of you in our community are looking for the perfect gifts for loved ones. That is why we have put together our first annual “Favorite Things for the Holidays” (thanks, Oprah!). While these items are available all year, we think that they make wonderful gifts for both children and adults during the holidays.
From all of us here at Shine, happy holidays and enjoy the spirit of the season with friends and family. And if you are already feeling the pressure, check out our guide to avoiding a Holi-daze.
Shine bright this season –
Aaron Goldschmidt, Founder & Director, Shine
In lieu of gifts, we think donations in a loved one’s name are a thoughtful gesture during the holidays. Choose from one of your favorite charities, or donate to one of our East End partners: Amber Waves Farm, Children’s Museum of the East End, The LongHouse Reserve, The Madoo Conservancy, Nova’s Ark, The Peconic Land Trust, or the South Fork Natural History Museum and Science Center.
The CraftBox NYC

Through December 15th only, Shine clients will receive 10% off their first order, by using the code “ShineHoliday” upon check out!
Phaidon Books
What Does Baby Want? by Tupera Tupera (ages 0-2). This baby is not comforted by a teddy bear or toy. This baby wants only one thing: milk! Named a Best Book of the Year (Publishers Weekly), What Does Baby Want? “is the board book your baby really wants.” (The Bump). It’s funny – because it’s true!
My First Book of Patterns by Bobby and June George (ages 1-4). Stripes, polka dots, plaid, chevron, and more! Conceived by educators and the first and only patterns concept book on the market. “I genuinely cannot believe I haven’t seen a book like this before. It’s colorful, easy to understand, and … super fun to learn all of these patterns and their names, but this book is so much more than that. It begs readers to look around them and find these patterns among their own belongings.” (Celebrate Picture Books). “This pitch-perfect introduction to patterns will engage the artistic, mathematical, and linguistic parts of every young child’s mind.” (starred review, Publishers Weekly)
What’s Cooking? by Joshua David Stein, illustrated by Julia Rothman (ages 3-5). Come into the kitchen! Written by acclaimed restaurant critic and food writer Joshua David Stein and illustrated by food and textile illustrator Julia Rothman, What’s Cooking? invites young children to consider food preparation via a whimsical question-and-answer approach. Kids learn about foreign foods, pick up some cookbook vocabulary, have a giggle or two (or more!) and may even find themselves inspired to get involved in the kitchen.
Book of Bones: 10 Record-Breaking Animals by Gabrielle Balkan, illustrated by Sam Brewster (ages 5-8). It’s a book of world records… of bones! Guess whose bones are the longest, shortest, heaviest, spikiest, and more. With touchable skeletons! “A nonfiction standout… This fascination book will get kids jazzed about both bones and the cool animals.” (Imagination Soup) “Curious readers will get a kick out of this fun guessing game that takes 10 members of the animal kingdom and re-introduces them from the inside out.” (Meghan Dietsche Goel, Children’s Book Buyer and Programming Director, BookPeople, Austin, TX)
Sunny with an A

Use code Shine2017 at checkout and receive 10% off!
Lindsey Belle

This holiday season, mention “Shine” and receive an 11×14″ gift with the purchase of a session.